Medicated and Still Unrepentant

Today’s topic has real potential to rile up the spiritual hall monitors. I expect I might hear from a few of them. Recently I talked to a fellow Christian about depression and anti-depressants. He was resisting trying medication because he felt he wouldn’t be having these problems if he were a “better” Christian. Some folks had told him that he should trust God with his sadness. I agree that bringing our sadness to a compassionate Christ is important. But there can be more to the issue and we, as fellow sojourners in Christ, do a disservice if we merely give depressed friends the “buck-up and do better” pep talk. The old give hundred percent for Jesus challenge can make a sad and lonely person feel even more alone.

I have some experience with this topic. I am medicated and unrepentant. For years I went through emotional ups and downs that my wife described as my “funks”. She walked on relational eggshells when I was going through these moods. Finally I agreed to see a doctor and try medication. Within two weeks my bride turned to me one morning and uttered a sentence I will never forget.

“I like you again.”

She had never stopped loving me but I had become difficult to like at times.

The medication did a couple of things. It leveled out my moods and helped me to not obsess about problems or problem people. I have since researched the ADD brain and found that my brain scan would look different from most people. Regular readers of these humble ramblings just had a joint response.

Really? You are not normal? Who knew?

Moodiness and depression is often caused by brain chemistry that goes askew. In my case the chemical messenger serotonin was not properly regulated. The medication corrected that with pretty amazing results. Not only did my wife like me more (which was a rather huge benefit) but it also helped me discern which struggles were spiritual battles and which ones were brain chemistry issues. That was one of the most liberating experiences in my journey. For years I felt so guilty that I couldn’t shake these emotional blahs by trying harder to trust God with my mood. When my brain chemistry playing field was leveled I could recognize when the problem was truly in my heart.

Depression can be many things. Medication may not be the answer for everyone and it is not the only tool in the healing toolkit. But it can be a tool that is helpful. I would ask those who are so critical of these medications to answer this question.

If your cholesterol is too high does it show a lack of trust in God to take medication? Could God not lower your LDL level without the crutch of medication if you simply trusted more? I absolutely believe that God can do that. But I would still do what is medically prudent while believing that God is ultimately in control of my health. My brain chemistry is now stable enough to know that just makes sense. I wonder how that person with bad cholesterol levels would respond if I judged their medical issue as showing a lack of faith and spiritual discipline?

“Why don’t you mix in some vegetables and trust God to push away from the dessert buffet once in a while? And by the way, don’t be afraid to trust Him to lift your keister off the couch and get some exercise!”

I think they would rightly take offense to that approach. Yet that is how those who deal with the difficult issue of depression feel when people decide they need to buck up and have more faith to overcome their blues.

Do you think you might need such help? Ask those who love you and have your back what they think. One of my issues before medication was an inability to see myself accurately. And don’t be too proud to seek that help. Some people need medication and counseling. Some need counseling alone. We all need to be loved and nurtured through God’s Word to walk through the valleys of life. Paul told us we need to walk with others through their current circumstance with grace and love.

“Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15, NLT

Paul said to weep with them, not give them homework!

Joel Scandrett writes these words.

Antidepressants are a boon to those who truly need them, but they are not a panacea for the human condition.

Well said. You need to trust Jesus for forgiveness of your sin condition. You need to understand that you are a new creature in Christ and that the Holy Spirit gives you the power to overcome sin. But don’t let a physical condition hinder your spiritual growth because of pride or shame.

I can say with complete conviction that the medication helps and that frees me to embrace this truth from God’s Word.

God is (my) refuge and strength,
      always ready to help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46, NLT) 

Amen. And to all of the spiritual hall monitors I regret to inform you that my cyber mailbox is full. What unfortunate timing.