DIY is bad theology

Joni and I watch a lot of HGTV shows together. I love how they take a house that is dysfunctional and ugly and make it useful and beautiful. The process is intriguing.  Identity the problem. Come up with a new plan. Demo the old stuff. Rebuild with hard work.  Results? Amazing.  Too often we take that process and convert it into a do-it-yourself project to grow as followers of Jesus. The results? Not so amazing. I tried executing the DIY blueprint over and over.  I am dysfunctional. Check. I have identified the problem. I believe God has a plan for my life. Check.  Now I need to rebuild my spiritual dwelling place. This is where I veered off the Biblical script. I thought the self-demolition of my sinful behaviors and personal remodeling of my life would be based on my hard work. Bad plan. Jesus doesn’t remodel a messed up structure. He builds a completely new one on the day
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