Jesus Loves the Broken Ones

We all go through hard seasons in life. Recently I have had to walk with some very dear friends through dark valleys. I had to say goodbye to one close friend. Actually, I had to say “see you later”. I rejoice in the hope of our heavenly reunion someday.

I love when God sends an unexpected blessing when you are crushed by the weight of this world. My sweet wife Joni calls them “Postcards from God”. I received an electronic post card recently.

Regular readers of these humble ramblings know that I have become a fan of bluegrass singer, songwriter, and producer Jerry Salley. His song about our mutual hometown of Chillicothe, Ohio still fills my heart with warm memories of my small town upbringing. I absolutely fell in love with his lyrical storytelling. We connected on a professional level and I sent him a couple of my books.

In late June I received my postcard. Jerry began reading my book Stay: Lessons My Dogs Taught Me about Life, Loss, and Grace. He asked his Mom if she knew a Dave Burchett from Chillicothe.

“I do know him. You’re related.”

It turns out my grandmother and his grandmother were sisters. This talented artist is my second cousin! I felt a little better because I always wondered where the family musical talent had gone. Cousin Jerry took it all. We have had the most amazing exchange of memories since our revelation of being related.

I had previously written about his powerful song “Without Forgiveness” and a song about leaving a legacy titled “How I Want to Be Remembered”. Another sweet story hit my heart while listening to Jerry’s catalogue of music.

A song called the Broken Ones has been recorded by Jerry and also by a group called the Amundruds. The lyrics describe a little girl named Maggie who pulls a Raggedy Ann doll out of a neighbor’s trash can. The doll is missing an arm and one button eye hangs on by a thread. She finds a place for this broken one with her other dolls. The chorus is touching as it describes the heart of this young girl.

She loves the broken ones, the ones that need a little patching up
She sees the diamond in the rough and makes it shine like new
It really doesn’t take that much, a willing heart and a tender touch
If everybody loved like she does, there’d be a lot less broken ones.

Years later Maggie is working at a shelter when a young drug addict stumbles in lost and hopeless. Maggie embraces her and invites this broken soul into that safe place. She helps the young woman find healing.

The lyrics go on to describe how many viewed Maggie as a hero because of her heart for those who are broken. She deferred the credit to someone else.

If you call her and angel, she’ll be quick to say to you
She’s just doing what the One who died for her would do.

She was simply doing what Jesus does. He loved the broken ones. The song ends with this addition to the chorus.

If everybody loved like Jesus, there’d be a lot less broken ones.


The message of the song is spot on. Jesus loves the broken ones.

This journey is not easy. Never will be. One of the big mistakes we make in sharing our faith is making it seem like all troubles are over when you embrace Christianity. That is not in the contract. We will still have problems and heartaches and even tragedies. King David wrote these words while escaping down a broken road.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;       
he rescues those who are crushed in spirit.  Psalm 34:18

There are so many brokenhearted people who simply need a caring heart. Warren Wiersbe beautifully describes why we should not be quick to condemn.

“I am not as critical as I used to be, not because my standards are lower, but because my sight is clearer. What I thought were blemishes in others have turned out to be scars.”

In the Gospel of John Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit coming to be our advocate and comforter on this earth. He left this amazing promise that I cling to more fervently everyday.

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. (John 14:27, NLT)

I am experiencing that peace even in this difficult season. I am not afraid because I know without a doubt that He loves the broken ones. That is my assurance today.